Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Feeling Pregnant

Lately I have been feeling more and more pregnant. I had to make a promise to my husband this weekend. I promised I would take one day to be lazy and not do ANYTHING. Now, to most people this would be easy, for me, not so much. Ever since I found out I was pregnant with Mary, and even more so in the second trimester, I have been going going going. I am constantly cleaning, getting ready for Mary, and tons of other things. I haven't really taken any time for myself. So I attempted to do nothing on Saturday. This didn't work out the way that I planned it to. I ended up cleaning the house while Zac was at work. I just couldn't not pick up the house. You never know who will stop by. When Zac got home I did get in a bit of trouble for that, but he was the one who started the whole "You never know who will stop by!". I then promised I would rest on Sunday. It's the Lords day of rest anyway. I actually  managed to do little to nothing on Sunday. I even took a nap before getting ready for Mass! Soooo, goal accomplished!

Speaking of Mass, Zac and I discovered there is a Catholic Church less than a mile from our house. We have been driving to the other side of town since we moved into our home for church. We decided this weekend to go check out the Church on Sunday for their 5:30 Mass. This was a little different than what we are use to. The Mass we attend at our regular Parish is more of a traditional lay out. Ya know, pipe organ, choir and all that jazz. Well the 5:30 Mass at the Parish on Sundays by our house is a Praise and Worship Mass. It still follows the regular flow of Mass with one small change. They use guitars, drums, and a couple of singers. We still sang the same Psalms, but with a more upbeat tempo. It was definitely interesting and I liked it. All the people were very friendly. Not so sure how Zac was with the Praise and Worship since he is more traditional in that aspect. We are going to attend the more traditional Mass this week with my in-laws at 5:00 to see what it is like. Afterwards I think we are taking our nephew to a water park  in McKinney, so look for pictures then!  That is all for now.

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