Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

~Today I am linking up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesday~

I am loving that I am now a stay at home mom and spend all my time with my little girl. She has been the light of my life since she came into this world and I can not thank my husband enough for the gift he has given me.

I am loving  that my family will be in town this weekend. I miss them so much, since they live in Little Rock. 
I am loving that a friend of ours was on ABCs Extreme Makeover -Weight Loss Edition. As of the final taping of the show he has lost 313 pounds. Definatley a motivation for me to get off my behind and drop the rest of this baby weight! Good Job James!!!

And as always, I am Loving my wonderful husband and daughter!

That is all for now! Hope every one had a great day!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


As every one knows I have had a goal to get back to below my pre-pregnancy weight this year. My ultimate goal is 150-160. Right now I am at 198. I am not ashamed to say that because at my highest while pregnant with Mary I was 240. So, all in all I have lost a good amount of weight. Last night I watched a dear friend of ours on Extreme Makeover - Weight Loss Edition. His name is James Garrison. Now, most people would brush him off with out a thought by seeing the old him. He got up to 700 pounds. This man is one of the most amazing people I could know. He has a heart of gold and is one big teddy bear. At the conclusion of the show he had lost a total of 313 pounds and has lost more since the final taping. I can not explain in words how proud I am of this man. Within minutes of the show starting he had me crying. Now as far as my goal to lose the weight I want, I only want to lose 48 more pounds at the most. I have not worked out at all.. Why you ask? I am full of excuses. Chock full of them I am telling you. I now have all the time I need to work out as I am a SAHM. It is time for me to get off my big ole booty (and it is a big one) and actually work towards my goal instead of just bitching about it. Most people after watching a show like this or The Biggest Loser say they are inspired then really don't do anything about it. I will strive to NOT be one of those people. This definitely hit me differently knowing this man. I am proud to call him a friend. That is all for now. Hope all of you got to watch the show, if not, it is on Hulu and ABC Go. Take a peak and get some inspiration of your own!
James Transformation!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

God Works In Mysterious Ways

All I can say is God works in mysterious ways, I have always wanted to be a SAHM, but was never able to quite figure out how to do it. Due to unforeseen circumstances, and the fact that I will NEVER put my child in daycare, I will officially be a SAHM after June 17th. I am so excited to be able to be home with my little princess and watch her grow. Mary has such a personality on her, she is always a ball of smiles. Zac and I are extremely excited for me to be able to stay home now, I find it sad that today's economy does not allow more mothers to stay home with their children. I could have never asked for more than what my amazing husband has given me in life. That's all for now, hope every one has a great day!!